17 October 2024

Defining precancer: a grand challenge for the cancer community

(IF: Nat Rev Cancer, 72.5)

  • Faupel-Badger J, Kohaar I, Bahl M, Chan AT, Campbell JD, Ding L, De Marzo AM, Maitra A, Merrick DT, Hawk ET, Wistuba II, Ghobrial IM, Lippman SM, Lu KH, Lawler M, Kay NE, Tlsty TD, Rebbeck TR, Srivastava S; Precancer Think Tank Team. Defining precancer: a grand challenge for the cancer community. Nat Rev Cancer. 2024 Oct 1. 

  • Correspondence:

The term ‘precancer’ typically refers to an early stage of neoplastic development that is distinguishable from normal tissue owing to molecular and phenotypic alterations, resulting in abnormal cells that are at least partially self-sustaining and function outside of normal cellular cues that constrain cell proliferation and survival. Although such cells are often histologically distinct from both the corresponding normal and invasive cancer cells of the same tissue origin, defining precancer remains a challenge for both the research and clinical communities. Once sufficient molecular and phenotypic changes have occurred in the precancer, the tissue is identified as a ‘cancer’ by a histopathologist. While even diagnosing cancer can at times be challenging, the determination of invasive cancer is generally less ambiguous and suggests a high likelihood of and potential for metastatic disease. The ‘hallmarks of cancer’ set out the fundamental organizing principles of malignant transformation but exactly how many of these hallmarks and in what configuration they define precancer has not been clearly and consistently determined. In this Expert Recommendation, we provide a starting point for a conceptual framework for defining precancer, which is based on molecular, pathological, clinical and epidemiological criteria, with the goal of advancing our understanding of the initial changes that occur and opportunities to intervene at the earliest possible time point.


这篇题为“Defining precancer: a grand challenge for the cancer community”的文章发表在《Nature Reviews Cancer》期刊上,探讨了定义癌前病变的挑战及其在癌症预防中的重要性。


1. 癌前病变的定义:癌前病变指的是在细胞变成恶性肿瘤前的一种异常状态。此阶段的细胞发生了分子和表型上的改变,但尚未完全具备侵袭性癌症的特征。识别和理解癌前病变有助于在癌症发展的早期阶段进行干预。

2. 多学科方法:文章提出了一种多维度的框架,结合了分子生物学、病理学、临床观察和流行病学等多个领域的数据,旨在更好地描述和区分癌前病变的各个阶段。这种框架可以帮助科学家们更清晰地了解癌症如何逐渐发展,并识别出关键的早期变化。

3. 研究和临床应用的挑战:由于癌前病变的定义和分类尚未完全明确,这给科学研究和临床筛查带来了困难。尤其是在制定筛查和预防策略时,准确区分正常组织、癌前病变和早期癌症至关重要。

4. 预防和早期干预的潜力:明确癌前病变的特征可以帮助医生在疾病发展早期采取措施,以预防癌症的发生。此研究呼吁癌症社区将更多的资源和关注投入到癌前病变的研究中,力求在癌症出现之前就阻止其进展。








